Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Collins Family

I received a note on December 26 saying there was too much snow in the mountains between Salt Lake City and New Mexico. Safety is important; I'll be sorry not to meet Skyler and Julieta.

We are the Collins Family from Salt Lake City, Utah. We are Skyler (dad), Julieta (pronounced hoo-lee-et-uh, Mom), Skyler, Jr. (7) and Liani (pronounced lee-annie, 3). We've been unschooling Skyler, Jr. since September of last year (he attended 1 week of kindergarten and a year of formal preschool), and Liani since birth. We don't know any other unschoolers in our area though we're friends with a couple of homeschooling families (one with older kids). We're mainly looking for support and guidance and hope to make some new friends.

Dad is a software quality assurance engineer and mom stays home with the kids (she works harder than dad, for sure). Skyler, Jr. loves video games (he's conquered several), dinosaurs, and super heroes. Liani loves animals, Diego and Dora, "reading" books, and painting her dad's nails. Both kids share a gelatin business as equal partners and absolutely adore each other. They are constantly wresting and playing cheerfully, though they do have their "disputes" from time to time. That's it for now, and we're excited for the ALL conference!

(For the record, our children know full well that Santa is "pretend", like are Diego and Spiderman, and they love them all anyway, and the Santa in the picture is my Uncle Rick, with my Aunt Sherri.)

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